Happiness is another hot topic nowadays. With everything people do on a daily basis sometimes it can be difficult to focus on the good and what makes you happy. In fact, some people just focus on the bad that is going on and whenever you see them – they aren’t very happy.
I was listening to the radio a couple of years ago and the #1 resolution for that year was being a better person and I’ve noticed a trend of the same topic for the last few years. I know that isn’t exactly the same, but it is in a roundabout way. If you’re a better person by making better choices and helping more people – you’re going to be happier.

==>Grab the Done-For-You Happiness Content Bundle and Help Your Customers Discover How To Be Happier
Look at the topics you’ll get:
- The Link between Food and Happiness (518 words)
- The Link between Friends and Happiness (586 words)
- The Link between Hormones and Happiness (527 words)
- The Link between Personality and Happiness (546 words)
- Do You Need Money to Be Happy? (531 words)
- Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff (528 words)
- Enjoying the Simple Pleasures in Life (579 words)
- How Happy Are You? – Questions to Ask Yourself (517 words)
- Seven Mantras to Increase Your Happiness (546 words)
- Why Living in the Moment Makes You Happier (535 words)
How To Use This PLR
I’d create a report for the first 4 articles that are all talking about the happiness links. Write a short intro (or use another article), create an eCover, add images in the report and then add your voice that includes resource or stories. Save it as a PDF and set it up as an opt-in.
Use this as an opt-in to a 5 Day autoresponder series. Then take the other emails and create an intro email (or use one of the articles included). When you create the email autoresponder series – all you have to do is add a greeting in the beginning and then your closing.
You’ll also want to add a couple of sentences either at the very end of the email about what they’ll learn tomorrow or as a P.S. at the end. Another suggestion to tie the days together is to talk a little bit about the day before.
So for the first paragraph you could write something like, “Yesterday I talked about why living in the moment matters it is important because you don’t want to just see the big picture and miss all the memories you could be creating with your loved ones. Today we’ll be talking about something just as important – Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff.”
==>Grab the Done-For-You Happiness Content Bundle and Help Your Customers Discover How To Be Happier
Here’s how I’d arrange the days:
- Day 1: Why Living in the Moment Makes You Happier
- Day 2: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
- Day 3: Do You Need Money to Be Happy?
- Day 4: How Happy Are You? – Questions to Ask Yourself
- Day 5: Seven Mantras to Increase Your Happiness
- Last Day: Enjoying the Simple Pleasures in Life
Happiness is a topic that is evergreen so it doesn’t matter if it is January, May, August (a good one because it’s Happiness Matters Month) or December.
Pair this Happiness PLR with one or both of these to make money:
- 30 Days to Happiness
- The Pursuit of Happiness Bundle (eBook and journal)
Use the email series to introduce a more in depth 30 Day Challenge or offer the eBook and Journal as a digital product at the end. If you combine the two of these you’ll create more value and you’ll be able to charge more.
Have a great and productive day!
April & DMan
Niche Starter Packs
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P.S. Use the 30 Days to Happiness to make a more in-depth challenge for your audience.
Some of the links in this blog post may be affiliate links, which means I may receive compensation for suggesting the products, services or businesses. However, I would never recommend any product that I didn’t believe was high quality or it wouldn’t benefit you and your business.