About a year after I got online I started using Canva. I thought it would be an easier alternative to graphic editing software like Photoshop, but I didn’t understand it and didn’t make it a priority – so I stopped for a while.
But even when I stopped I KNEW that creating and using beautiful graphics was important to my business and so I made it a priority to learn.
My first graphics were ugly. 🙂 Over the years I can now create decent graphics… thankfully I’m better at finding amazing team members that are graphically inclined.
I can see things and know that I like them, but putting them together takes me longer, but that doesn’t mean I can’t take a template one of my team has made and recreate something amazing.
I rarely start from scratch anymore. It is SO time-consuming. 🙂
There are a few aspects of my business that I knew I wanted to figure out and growing a team was one of them. I started almost immediately – when you do this you normally take less of a profit because you’re paying others for work.
I’m thankful that I did this…
I know that not everyone can do this, so I’ve decided to start selling developer (resell) rights to my Canva templates. You can also purchase to use in your own business only.
Take a look at the worksheets you can use for your courses, as a bonus, or as an opt-in to a blog post:

These were designed to mix and match and create your own planners, printables, opt-ins, workbooks, and so much more.
Check out Volume 2….
==>Grab the Canva Template Toolkit – Volume 2
You’ll get 123 templates across 9 different categories:
- 20 Financial Planning Pages (Size: 8.5 X 11 & A4)
- 10 Menu Planner & Grocery List Pages (Size: 8.5 X 11 & A4)
- 10 Checklists & Cheatsheets Pages (Size: 8.5 X 11 & A4)
- 10 Worksheets Pages (Size: 8.5 X 11 & A4)
- 20 Time Management Pages (Size: 8.5 X 11 & A4)
- 5 eCover Templates (Size: 8.5 X 11 & A4)
- 28 Lead Magnet Page Layouts (Size: 8.5 X 11 & A4)
- 10 Social Media Mockups Pages (Size: 1080 px X 1080 px)
- 10 Pin Mockups Pages (Size: 1000 px X 1500 px)
These were designed to mix and match and create your own planners, printables, opt-ins, workbooks, and so much more.
Have a great and productive day!

~ April