Alice’s “Recognizing and Healing From Trauma” ecourse with private label rights. If you grabbed it already, you definitely want to pay attention to this.
And if you don’t have it yet, get it now so you can put these ideas to use. Just do it quickly because the price goes up soon.
As I mentioned yesterday, the package comes with everything you need to release a 4-part ecourse on healing from trauma and why it is so important. Well, here are some ideas about what you can do with these.
- Use it as a highly-target lead magnet to grow your list. If you’re looking to grow your list of people who want to heal from trauma, you’ve got everything you need here. This ecourse takes them through the steps they need to start recognize trauma in their life and start getting what they want out of life.
- Turn it into a paid product. There’s lots of great content here…plus you get the worksheets and checklists to help your customers take action. Easily charge admission for this high value, action-oriented content.
- Break it up into blog posts or other bite-sized content. You’ve got a ton of fodder here for several informative blog post series. You can use the checklists and worksheets as opt-in offers or high-value free downloads.
- Add it as a “starter kit” in your membership site. Have a membership site and want to bump of the content value? Add this content as a “starter kit” for your newbie members and they’ll immediately see the value of their membership.
Just a few ideas to get you going, but now it’s your turn to run with them.
Go here for full details and to get yours while you can: ==> Heal From Trauma eCourse
Have a great and productive day!

~ April