
Kick Negative Thoughts To The Curb Planner Pages

Printables are a great way to grow your list and earn money, but creating them can be time-consuming especially with all of the day-to-day activities you do as a business owner.

This is one of the main reasons that I started my business – to help people like you save time.

Right now I have a set of 5 printables/planner pages.

These are geared specifically for the personal development or self-help niche on a topic that interests people…

Kicking the negative thoughts out of your head and not giving them the power to make you feel bad.

The problem people have is that they’re not sure how to break out of the cycle.

These printables are going to guide them through how to do that. They’ll be able to write down their thoughts and learn how to turn negative thoughts into positive ones. This takes practice and since these are digital and can be printed right from their computer then they’ll be able to print as many as they need.

Use these as an opt-in for one of your products or just to be on your list.

Or you could take these and make it into a 30 day journal for them. I’ve created a blog post that helps you create one here: How To Create a 30 Day Journal With the Kick Your Negative Thoughts To The Curb Printables

Have a great and productive day!

~ April

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