Do you talk about personal development on your blog? Maybe you’re a lifestyle or business blogger? Take a look at this brand new short report on Journaling For Manifesting. Right now, I’m seeing this topic everywhere.
People journal to manifest for a great relationship, for a better money mindset, and so much more. I follow this woman who journals every single day and she says it helps her manifest money in her business. She sees patterns, is able to develop her ideas, and uses them for her creative flow.
==>Grab the Journaling For Manifesting Short Report (or Ultimate Blog Post)
- Journaing For Manifesting Short Report (or Ultimate Blog Post)
This is a short report that you can use as a freebie for people to opt-in and turn from readers to subscribers or you can use this as an ultimate blog post on your site. It is 4-pages of informative, well-written and well-researched content. - This 4-page, 1,214-word report that covers the following: -What is journaling for manifesting?
-Benefits of journaling for manifestation -Journaling for manifestation examples Get it in Word and Text format
- Keyword Research
You’ll get longtail keywords you can use on your blog to help you with SEO.
- eCovers in PNG & JPEG Format I’ve included an eCover that is flat in both PNG and JPEG format. You can use a mockup software to create a 3D cover if you’re going to use it as a freebie on your site.
Have a great and productive day!

~ April