Do you help people with their self-improvement? Alice Seba has a new bundle on her store called A Better Me and is a great way to get more subscribers. I love self-help and will be picking this bundle up for my marketing efforts. 🙂
>>Grab A Better Me PLR

Here’s What You’ll Get:
- 101 Ways to a Better Me Report (.doc): This report explains the power of challenging yourself to grow and provides 101 detailed ideas on how to do just that.
- April’s Advice: I love this. You can use it exactly as it is intended or repurpose it and start posting these ideas on your Facebook page or in your group. You can also post on Instagram. Make sure to research some great hashtags to go with it.
- A Better Me 365-Day Planner (.doc): This planner will give your readers inspiration to continuously improve themselves along with a place to document their thoughts, things to work on, steps to take and a place for review and reflection.
- April’s Advice: Take this planner and use it as an upsell or a tripwire for the report. You can easily charge $17 or $27. Or use it as a bonus to get more subscribers.
- Lead-Generating Opt-in Page: To help them grow their list with this content, we’ve included the opt-in copy and the WordPress-ready code for them. We even host the images!
- Alice and her team do an amazing job with these opt-in pages because they are SO easy to use. Just copy and paste. Yes, it’s that easy. You’ll want to change the wording to reflect your voice, but not much else to do.
- 2 Professionally-Designed Ecover Sets: .JPG and .PSD with flat cover and 1 x 3D version to help your opt-in stand out. A set for the Planner and the Report.
- April’s Advice: Spend some money or time and change these. You want to brand the eCovers so that people associate it with you.
- 20 Social Media Graphics: We’ve also included 20 graphics with inspirational quotes to inspire your followers to become better people.
- I love inspirational quotes and here you can get 20 done for you which means you can use one every day during the week for an entire 4 weeks.
The package comes with 101 Ideas to Become a Better Me, a Better Me 365-Day Planner …plus, the ready-to-paste opt-in page copy.

Just paste the copy into WordPress, add your autoresponder code and you’re ready to roll. You also get 2 professionally designed cover sets and 20 social media graphics, so you can market the ideas and planner.
>>So grab A Better Me PLR
Have a great and productive day!

April & DMan
Niche Starter Packs
Connect With Me:
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P.S. Use the printables as an opt-in to grow your list or as a product on your site to grow your income. Grab the A Better Me PLR and start growing your list today.
Some of the links in this blog post may be affiliate links, which means I may receive compensation for suggesting the products, services or businesses. However, I would never recommend any product that I didn’t believe was high quality or it wouldn’t benefit you and your business.