A couple of years ago I was at my cousin’s house and we decided to create a vision board for what we wanted our next year to be like. We drove all over town to purchase magazines, stickers and books that we could use. We also stopped at the office supply store to get poster boards.
>>Grab the Vision Board Secrets PLR Bundle Now<<
Then we went back to her house and we all created one. There were six of us total ranging from age 7 (or so) to adult. Everyone enjoyed it and they all turned out completely different. I don’t know everyone else did with theirs but mine is still hanging up and DMan’s is in his room. He was the youngest and I told him we’d do another one again soon.
The reason that I’m telling you this is that Chad Elijsr and Jimmy Brown just released a new Vision Board PLR bundle. I bought it and I’ve got to say that this has SO many possibilities.
Here’s a list of what is included:
- In-depth 10,000+ words eBook “Vision Board Secrets”
- A 10 Day Vision Board Challenge
- A High-Quality Lead Magnet Report
- Autoresponder Follow Up Series of 5 email Swipes
- 7 Vision Board Articles
- eCover Graphics, Banners and more…
Plus if you buy it right now you’re going to get it for less than $8! The price increases every once in awhile and I was able to buy it for under $7.50!
>>Grab the Vision Board Secrets PLR Bundle Now<<
As I was going through it here are the ideas that I came up with ways to earn affiliate commissions with it:
Host a 10-Day Create a Vision Board Challenge on Facebook or your blog. (this is provided).
1. Before you start create an action plan with a resources and tools list that they’ll need to get started. Think of things that you know they’ll need like colored pens, glue, poster boards, magazine and fun paperback type books that they don’t mind cutting up. When we did our vision board we bought a kids atlas for the United States and it provided so much fun info about each state and we all ended up using it.
In the action plan and recommended tools make sure to include your affiliate link. I’d make this a post on your blog because if you’re using Amazon for affiliate commissions you’re not allowed to use affiliate links in a PDF.
Another option would be to just use images recommending the products instead of writing up an action plan and recommend tools.
2. Write a Top 5 (or 10) Top Recommended Products For Creating Vision Boards and write a little about why they should use each one.
3. Take all 5 (or 10) of the recommended products and write product reviews specifically about why these are good tools to use while creating their vision board.
The last two steps are is what I do when I create similar PLR products. It is a great way to get opt-ins and earn affiliate commission.
>>Grab the Vision Board Secrets PLR Bundle Now<<
I’ve got more ideas so make sure to watch for my email tomorrow.
Have a great and productive day!

April & DMan
Niche Starter Packs